Mon 27 Jan
NeW!!! __JaW- DR0PpiNg *__* SeARch- ST0PpiNg *__* MAGICAL VIXEN - 24
(Austin, NW Austin & Surrounding)
💋"YoUr mAiN AttRaCtIon HaS ArrIvEd!!!! "💌✈️ 👠 LeT Me FulfiLL YoUr EvErY DeSiRe💋 ((Visiting limited ti - 25
(Jersey Shore, Toms river/ Lakewood/brick/howell)
Mouth dropping Naughty Gurl available for all kinds of fun **CC's Accepted** - 38
(Austin, in and out, North)
Let me Pamper you ...The Fun has just begun ....The best specials in the area !!!! - 21
(Scranton, incall in scranton)
*TARA* Burnett* slim*120lbs* Pettit/cute face too! 34Dbra 862-268-5402 - 19
(North Jersey, Wayne nj/ outcall)
come find your destiny. the defendants between me an her... i make this look good... - 21
❤ Come Warm Up Baby With A Beautiful Thick Snow Bunny. - 26
(Columbus, Brice Rd (Incalls & Outcalls))
💕The Beautiful Blonde Experience💕 ALL TiMe FaVoRiTe•°• 🎀 DReAM DoLL🎀•°•💓 Visiting Limited Time 💖💖 - 25
██ • ★ • ██ SEXY ☆ PETITE ☆ FIRECRACKER ██ • ★ • ██ NeW ReViEw!!! - 25
(Denver, North Denver or Your Place)
* * NeEd 2 ReLaX * * LeTs GeT ThIs PaRtY StArTeD * * 24/7 ReAl & LaIDBaCk * * 8o In ~ 120 OuT * * * - 21
(Long Beach, 110~ 405~ 91~ Southbay ~ Incall Outcall)
( NEW) JusT LooK AnD See WhAt ALL The FuSs Is AbouT [ Fr3akie] SpECiaLs - 20
(secaucus & meadowlands area)
♥NEW ❤▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥Just Arrived♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥Japanese BARBIE ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ - 23
(North Jersey, South Hackensack ♥ ♥)
Tall Luscious Busty PLATINUM BLONDE Playmate!! Gorgeous Real Pictures One Price Policy! 36DD! - 23
(Northern Virginia, (outcalls only))
▃ ▅ ▆ █ ♡# 1 Hottie In Town♡ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ♡Available ✔㏂✔㏘!! • FiRsT cLaSs @ It's Finest ✮ ✮ - 20
(Columbus, OutCall Only)
NEW in town -:¦:- ___N_E_W _ -:¦:-__ H_O_T_T_I_E _____* A *_____ M_U_S_T_ -:¦:-__ S_E_E ___ - - 20
(Ramsey / Mahwah/ north jersey/in/out)
@👉{5 STAR SkiLLs} 👅{SExY ßεαuty}😻{AmAZiNg Body}👠{ MoSt wAnTeD }👀👈 Brand New ! OPEN LATE - 22
(Columbus, Columbus ,Dublin, All areas incall/out)
☆NaUgHtY iTaLiAn & iRiSh BrUNeTTe☆♡DoUbLe D's & ReAdY To PLeAsE♡i WiLL TREaT YoU liKe A KiNg BaBy!!! - 23
(North Jersey, PaRsiPPanY, ALWAYS AVAiLABLE)
Kristi Hott Long Legged Blonde Green eyed Beauty for your pleasure Available Now I am the one 4 u - 40
(Long Beach, long beach central)
New Blonde w/ blue eyes & Brunet ALL NEW GIRLS ❤Sweet Italian, Venezuelan❤ Columbian & White Girls❤ - 23
(North Jersey, Little ferry, Richfield)
###~~~* I wAnnA feeL It *~~ MAKE me ~~* 323 335 6092 ms BIG booty - 19
(Long Beach, 91/605/ 5/ PIONEER/ ARTESIA/BELFLOWER/NK)
nAuGhTyEsT WHiTE GirL 0f the WeeK** come teach me a lesson ;) gOrGeOuS peTiTe SwEdiSh GiRL* - 21
(North Jersey, jersey city , in out calls)
Sexy Tan☀️💄Blue-eyed Blonde~ *♡*LOVE to Kiss & Cuddle! *♡* OutCall Avail 💋💋 - 31
(Northern Virginia, Out Calls Only)
LuNch SpeCeials JusT 4 u>> Commme See Me This FreaKy FriDay - 22
(Hillsborough Co, incalls airporT area)
Long, silky legs, GREAT REVIEWS, classy website, LOVES TO KISS, 100% real...your dream come true - 26
(Hillsborough Co, Fletcher/275)
°♥ * °♥°_H_ A _R_D__ _2__ __R_E_ S_i_S_T__! °♥ * °♥° - 22
(Long Beach, Incall Carson 91 fwy *** Outcall 2)
sexy sweet and discreet! guaranteed satisfaction!NEW PICS!! - 29
(Northern Virginia, OUT CALL d.c. m d and nova)
sKiLLs & ThRiLLs :: BuStY THICK *VANILLA* SoUtHeRn CuTiE!! 6O* 6O* 6O* - 26
(Northern Virginia, Manassas Incalls ((24hrs••NeW PiCs!)))
^*^* ^*^* SEXY *^*^ REDHEAD ^* IT'S *^* ME *^* OR ^*IT'S ^*^ FREE *^*^ - 20
👅 Get U a DoSe 💉🙊 the 🔝#1 CurVy PueRtO RiCaN PleaSeR ✅ AmaZinG SkiLlS ✅ LongBeach 🏰INCALLS 💥 - 21
(405/105Fwy,LongBeach,Lakewood, Ins & Out, City of Long Beach, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles)
. • * Exotic L♥vers' #1 Pick! F L A W L E s S * ☆ . Latina & Ethiopian* ☆ . •BeAuTy - 19
(Long Beach, Longbeach artesia cerritos lakewood 91fw)
💯 Real 💯🔥Upscale 🎀 Freaky 🔥💋 Sexy 💘Sweet 🔥🔥Ebony 💘 $100 Special (420 Friendly) - 22
(Northern Virginia, SpringField / Arlington / in & out call)
Limited time 💕💕NeW IN TOwN 👄💋AVAILABLE NoW 👄👄👄SExY Creole mix 571 ((271)) 4807💖💖💗 - 23
(Elizabeth, Elizabeth incalls only, North Jersey)
Lookin to have fun if you feelin lonely im the one to make you feel good baby :) - 21
(North Jersey, Union city new jersey)
💖—————————————💖 S E X Y 💖—————————————💖T H I R S T Y💖—————————————💖 A S I A N💖——————————— - 21
(Northern Virginia, PLEASE CALL 571-363-5311)
Curvy Mixed Beauty _______ No Games ________ No Drama ________ 1OO% Real & Accurate Pics!!! - 25
(Long Beach, Outcall (Your Place))